This page shows the tutorialsfor demonstration purposes. To run the tutorials yourself, please download them from GitHub
- Basic tutorial: Interpolating bands, Berry curvatures, and integrating them
- Preparation of a calculation:
- Reading the system
- Interpolation on a path
- Running a calculation: calculators and results
- Tabulating Berry curvature and spin
- Calaculation on a 3D grid
- We can use the same tabulators, but now we pack them into TabulatorAll in “grid” mode
- And we run the calculation in the same way
- Analyze the tabulated data
- Problem 2 :
- fill the missing parts and evaluate the Berry curvature summed over all states below EF = 12.6 eV. Plot in on a plane k3=const (in reduced coordinates)
- Integration on a grid: anomalous Hall conductivity
- Tetrahedron method
- Optical conductivity
- All in one
- WannierBerri advanced tutorial - Fermi surface and Fermi sea calculation of the Berry curvature dipole
- Spin Hall conductivity
- DIY tutorial
- Symmetrization of Wannier Hamiltonian and matrices
- Wannierisation (including SAWF)
- Finding initial projections based on symmetry indicators